With the aim of promoting research lines and projects in any of the health and pharmaceutical fields related to our aims, Jané Mateu Foundation is working on the call for six €6,000 research grants, aimed at both young researchers and consolidated research groups that need funding to carry out their projects.


The 3rd EDITION OF THE “JANÉ MATEU FOUNDATION” AWARD seeks to recognise the value and professional career of individuals whose work and commitment have contributed to promoting, developing, advocating for and encouraging scientific-medical and pharmaceutical research, health services and all matters related to health, sanitation and technological innovation through R&D&i activities, thereby improving citizens’ well-being and quality of life.


With the aim of promoting research lines and projects in any of the health and pharmaceutical fields related to our aims, Jané Mateu Foundation is working on the call for six €6,000 research grants, aimed at both young researchers and consolidated research groups that need funding to carry out their projects.

Call for applications 2024
Apply for a scholarship


The 2nd EDITION OF THE “JANÉ MATEU FOUNDATION” AWARD seeks to recognise the value and professional career of individuals whose work and commitment have contributed to promoting, developing, advocating for and encouraging scientific-medical and pharmaceutical research, health services and all matters related to health, sanitation and technological innovation through R&D&I activities, thereby improving citizens’ well-being and quality of life. 2nd EDITION OF THE “JANÉ MATEU FOUNDATION” AWARD

Rules of the 2nd edition of the JMF Award

Resolution of Jané Mateu Foundation scholarships 2024

Efecto de diferentes estrategias nutricionales en la pérdida de peso, salud metabólica y efecto rebote en adultos con sobrepeso u obesidad. Estudio piloto


Dra. María Luisa Miguel Berges (IP), contratada postdoctoral CIBER; Dr. Luis Alberto Moreno Aznar (IP) del Grupo Genud, Universidad de Zaragoza y Centro de Investigación Biomédica en red – CIBER de Madrid.


In this pilot study, a 12-week randomized controlled clinical trial is planned, where 45 overweight or obese adult individuals will be recruited. Participants will give written informed consent before participating in the study. This study will be registered at

Mitocure: nuevas dianas terapéuticas personalizadas en las enfermedades metabólicas mitocondriales


Dr. José Antonio Sánchez Alcázar (IP); Paula Cilleros Holgado (PCH); David Gómez Fernández (DGF); Dra. Mónica Álvarez Córdoba (MAC). Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo – CSIC, Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla.


In this project we propose to evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of the different treatments available in fibroblasts derived from mitochondrial patients and in neuronal cells generated by direct reprogramming. To achieve this objective, we will study the effects of these treatments on the pathophysiological alterations present in fibroblasts and neuronal cells derived from patients.

El antídoto contra el gluten: Análisis del efecto antiinflamatorio de epi-nutraceúticos en la salud digestiva


Dra. Ainara Castellanos Rubio (IP); Leire Bergara (PhD student); Dr. Luis Bujanda. Universidad del País Vasco, UPV-EHU. Leioa (Bizkaia).


Her research project focuses on finding therapeutic alternatives for celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity, which are currently only treated with a lifelong gluten-free diet. The objective is to find new therapies that complement or replace the gluten-free diet, thus improving the quality of life of people with these pathologies.

Identificación de Nuevos Biomarcadores para la Detección Temprana de la Caquexia Asociada al Cáncer / Unveiling Circulating Biomarkers for Early Diagnosis of Cancer Cachexia


Expert group on models of cancer cachexia: Dra. Silvia Busquets (IP); Dr. Francisco Javier López-Soriano. Departamento de Bioquímica y Biomedicina Molecular, Facultad de Biología, UB. Barcelona.

Expert group in microRNAs and Biomarkers: Dra. Mireia Olivan (IP); Miriam Tenorio. Departamento de Patología y Terapéutica Experimental, Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud, UB. Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona.


Cancer cachexia is a highly prevalent multifactorial syndrome and a leading cause of cancer-related death. Currently, there are no early biomarkers to effectively detect it, a fact that would greatly facilitate the management of this syndrome at all levels. For these reasons, the main objective of this project will be to detect alterations in circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) that are present in the early stages of cachexia, in order to be able to prematurely identify if a patient could develop it and thus anticipate decision-making and measures to prevent its progression.

Las kinesinas mitóticas como dianas para el tratamiento del cáncer: hacia la inhibición dual para un efecto sinérgico


Dra. Mª Concepción Pérez Melero (IP); Dra. Mª Mercedes Garayoa Berrueta; Mario de Juan Alberdi; Gabriel Rodríguez Santos. Departamento de Ciencias Farmacéuticas, Facultad de Farmacia. Centro de Investigación del Cáncer (USAL-CSIC). Universidad de Salamanca.


The protein tubulin is the only target currently used in clinical antimitotic therapy for the treatment of cancer. The side effects of drugs directed against tubulin, notably neurotoxicity, in addition to the emergence of resistance, make it necessary to consider alternative targets. In this project, the use of mitotic kinesins as such targets is proposed. In particular, kinesin-5, kinesin-12 and kinesin-14. Mitotic kinesins participate in different functions during cell division, so their inhibition would lead to the arrest of mitosis, thereby exerting an antiproliferative effect. The aforementioned kinesins are overexpressed in different types of cancer, which supports their use as targets in antimitotic treatments.

Influencia de la microbiota intestinal en la respuesta y tolerancia a la irradiación de tumores localizados en área pélvica

Radiation Oncology Service: Dra. Margarita Martín Martín (IP); Marina Alarza; Sonsoles Sancho García; Fernando López; Jose Antonio Domínguez; Teresa Muñoz; Carolina de La Pinta.
Microbiology: Rosa del Campo.

Immunology: Luisa María Villar Guimerans; Mercedes Espiño Martínez; Noelia Villarrubia Migallón. Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Ramón y Cajal IRYCIS. Madrid.


The response to radiotherapy treatment, as well as the acute and chronic side effects it causes, are highly variable, even in tumors with similar histology. In recent years, the influence of the intestinal microbiota on the pathogenesis of cancer, as well as the response to systemic treatments, has been highlighted. Different preclinical studies also relate it to tolerance and response to irradiation.

We intend to evaluate the possible relationship between the composition of the intestinal microbiota and the intestinal toxicity produced by radiotherapy treatment at the pelvic level, as well as the response to said treatment. The secondary objective will be to analyze whether the type of microbiota is related to the presence of inflammatory factors and short-chain fatty acids in plasma.

Resolution of Jané Mateu Foundation Award 2024

Dr. Xavier Gómez-Batiste i Alentorn

Colaborador de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)

The scientific committee of the Jané Mateu Foundation has awarded the prize to Dr. Xavier Gómez-Batiste i Alentorn. He has held various leadership and responsibility roles in medical and academic institutions. Currently, he stands out as director of the ‘Qualy’ Observatory, Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Public Palliative Care Programs at the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO). In addition, he serves as scientific director of the Comprehensive Care Program for People with Advanced Illnesses and their Families at ‘La Caixa’ Welfare Projects.

Regarding his scientific production, Dr. Gómez-Batiste Alentorn has published more than 150 articles and 6 books in the field of palliative care. His publications cover various aspects of this discipline, from the planning and organization of services and programs, to the evaluation and improvement of their quality. His research has been notable for its focus on multicenter studies with a public health perspective.

Resolution of Jané Mateu Foundation scholarships 2023

Multifunctional Nanomembranes for Non-Invasive Clinical Monitoring

José Manuel García Torres

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Barcelona

The study develops flexible double-layer nanomembranes (PANI/PLA) modified with gold nanowires for non-invasive clinical monitoring in biological tissues such as the skin.

Key Results:
• pH detection: Sensitivity of 47 mV·pH⁻¹, suitable for a critical range of 4.0-9.0.
• NADH detection: Sensitivity of 0.97 μA·cm⁻²·mM⁻¹ and a detection limit of 0.39 mM.
• Portable bioelectronics: Promotes applications in dynamic surfaces such as skin and organs.

These advancements promise to revolutionize non-invasive clinical monitoring and open up new possibilities for implantable and portable devices.

Hydrogels for Controlled Release of Antidepressant Drugs

Fernando Yáñez Gómez

Universidad de las Islas Baleares. Palma de Mallorca

The study develops an in situ gelation hydrogel using Pluronic F127 and hyaluronic acid for the controlled release of antidepressant molecules via subcutaneous administration.

Key Results:
• Controlled release: Optimizes therapeutic efficacy with prolonged release of the active ingredient.
• Treatment adherence: Reduces the frequency of administration, enhancing patient adherence.
• Stress reduction: Simplifies administration in experimental models, minimizing manipulation and stress.

This advancement highlights the versatility of hydrogels in innovative treatments, especially in the field of mental health.

Unravelling the Coeliac Immunome: Exploring the Immune System in Coeliac Disease

Dr. David Bernardo Ordiz

Instituto de Biomedicina y Genética Molecular. Valladolid

The study analyzes the immune system in celiac patients, including those on a gluten-free diet (GFD) for years.

Key Results:
• Effects of the GFD: Normalizes inflammatory markers and cells in the mucosa, but some patients present persistent lesions.
• Impact on T Cells: Increases memory T cells and reduces regulatory T cells, requiring continuous adherence.
• Immune Persistence: Some lymphocytes persist, highlighting the need for constant monitoring.

This study emphasizes the importance of additional treatments, such as probiotics, to restore immune balance.

Chronocrit Study: Evaluation of Sleep and Circadian Health in Critical Patients

Dr. Adriano Targa Días Santos

Institut de Recerca Biomèdica. Lleida

The study analyzes sleep recovery and circadian rhythms in critical patients after their stay in the ICU.

Key Results:
• Sleep Recovery: Improvements may extend up to 24 months after the acute phase.
• Patient Profiles: Identifies groups with rapid improvements and others with slower progress.
• Relationship with Mental Health: Sleep improvement is directly linked to mental well-being.

These findings underscore the need to integrate sleep health into post-ICU rehabilitation.

Artificial Intelligence in the Pre-Anesthetic Triage of Surgical Breast Cancer Patients

Dr. Andrés Ancor Serrano Afonso

Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge. IDIBELL. Hospitalet de Llobregat

The study develops an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool for pre-anesthetic risk assessment in breast cancer surgeries.

Key Results:
• Automation: Utilizes clinical data and personalized questionnaires to assess risks.
• Comprehensive Evaluation: Analyzes variables using validated scales, improving patient safety.

This advancement highlights the impact of AI in medicine, optimizing surgical preparation and strengthening the trust of both the medical team and the patient.

Mediterranean Plants Against Respiratory Superbugs

Dra. Sara Quero Blanca

Institut d’Investigació i Innovació Parc Taulí (I3PT). Sabadell

The study evaluates the toxicity of five essential oils (EO) from Mediterranean plants on two lung cell lines. Two key determinations have been made:
• The minimum concentration of each EO with cytotoxic effect.
• The minimum concentration of each EO with apoptosis induction.

Key Results:
• Lemon balm EO showed the lowest cytotoxicity in THP-1 macrophages after 24 hours of treatment.
• Laurel EO was the safest for HPAEpiC alveolar epithelial cells after one-hour exposures.
• Oregano EO presented the highest cytotoxicity in both cell lines.

These findings support the use of natural and sustainable treatments against respiratory infections caused by superbugs.

Resolution of Jané Mateu Foundation Award 2023

Dr. Manel Esteller

Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute

The scientific committee of the Jané Mateu Foundation has awarded the prize to Dr. Manel Esteller. Graduated in medicine from the University of Barcelona, ​​he has developed invaluable work in the field of Epigenetics, currently being recognized as one of the most expert people internationally. Author of more than 200 scientific articles and editor of various publications, he currently holds the position of president of the Epigenetics Society.

His research has contributed and facilitated the complementation of scientific paradigms, demonstrating that external factors have a relevant influence, directly modifying genes and their expression.